Understand Your Financial Health

“…long-term financial planning is an indispensable complement to traditional budgeting and an invaluable piece of a government’s overall planning framework. It provides a long-term and comprehensive financial perspective that is not available through other governmental planning processes.”
~ Government Finance Officers Association

Every year your auditor presents the required annual financial statements and every year you wonder, what does it all really mean? What is the health of your community’s financial situation? Are you prepared to meet today’s obligations and tomorrow’s opportunities? What about tomorrow’s needs and challenges: are you prepared? We can help you answer these and the always pressing “Are we in the green?” questions. We can also help you stay there, or get there.


    1. Report of Fiscal Strength (aka how are we really doing?)
    2. Cost of Service evaluations and fee studies
    3. Plans to reduce dependency on utility transfers
    4. Financial Planning Beyond the Budget
    5. Fiscal First Aid: Help, we’re in the red!
    6. Reserve Analysis: Do we have any savings? If so, is it enough?
    7. Financial Policies
    8. Financial Processes and Procedures

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